A mechanical dictionary is a valuable storehouse of hundreds and thousands of technical terminologies is a living aid to understand subject and things around us. It is not only for students but also a useful tool fir mechanics, researchers, builders, electricians and workmen etc in their professional life for comprehending the words being used in trade and occupation. Mechanical engineering dictionary is not only an inventory of mechanical terms from mathematics, chemistry, physics, other fields of engineering and miscellaneous information for wider scope.
Its a counsel to the first year students that after getting admission in a program for engineering (not only mechanical but any field of engineering); go and get a an engineering dictionary relative to your field or simply add it on the top of the list of your curriculum books to be bought.
Why Do You Actually Need It??
- Usually forty subjects are offered to students by most of the universities for getting a graduation degree in field of mechanical engineering. It is not easy to get all the knowledge of the whole course in few months; to be true not even the grasp over whole of basic knowledge. Most of the books are graded as medium level books not beginners level so all of them do not necessarily contain the basic definitions. They really don't know what you know! and what you don't!. So keep it with you while reading your book to take assistance.
- Its a handy way to clutch acronyms, scientific abbreviations and symbols.
- Cross-referencing is a definite way of advancing your knowledge about terms that are related or synonymous information with in the same context.
- A convenient, quick find format lexicon of your field is a blessing for preparing viva-voice.
- Johny Irvy beautifully exclaimed that half my life is an act of revision and similar importance holds the revision of basic concepts of all courses of engineering.
- Pocket sized dictionary is convenient to carry as extract of fundamental handbook of all subjects and memorizing definitions.
- Read it before going for an interview or a test to get a better comprehension of terminologies that appears to be similar but different in actual, e.g corrosion and erosion.
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